Tuesday, February 18, 2020


Present: Marilyn, Pepper, Rick, Joann, Nancy, Darla, Olive, Glenn, Ann, Sue, Jackie, Sally, Natalie

Treasurer report: no $ in no $ out $540.55  Sold 6 of the anthology!

PR report: press release to newspaper and radio for anthology.
Fundraiser ideas - book drive & rummage sale. possible space The Gathering Place
(*note - The Gathering Place, once a month has a woman's night with vendors)
jslarmore32112@gmail.com for links to your book for book of the day!

Glenn: Toast Masters District Speech contest April 11th

Ann: Bville Magazine called and asked her to do a feature on Yocham, getting paid!!

Jackie: interview on The Nerd Daily

New News:
WriterCon by Write Well, Sell Well conference over labor day in OKC  https://writercon.org/

Who's interested in OWFI?  Ann, Marilyn, Darla

Chicken Soup: Go to website and click submit story
Age is Just a Number - May 31st
Christmas - April 30th
Listen to your Dreams - Feb 28th
Stories of Divine Intervention Aug 30th
Stories about self care and me time - Sept 30th

Natalie: interested in 12x12 challenge, draft 12 children's books in 12 months!

If you want anything critiqued, send it to Jennifer ahead of time and we can fit it in to our meeting schedule.

OWFI Scholarship: Ann Cleary, alternate: Darla Tresner

Leading Basket idea: fairy tales

Next Meeting March 17th 6:30 John Darrouzet will be guest speaker on screen writing

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August 2022 meeting (hybrid)

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