Present: Jackie, Jennifer, Marilyn, Debbie, Natalie, Jayleen, Denise, Ann, Olive, Pepper
Vice President:
Treasurer: Roughly $535 in account, nothing in or out but one anthology sold (Red Roses in Green Country) on July 19th
PR: need more links to published works, excerpts, bios, social media for book of the week sharing on our FB page. Send email to Jackie . Cover art will be needed for the anthology.
Old News: OWFI banquet at WritersCon Labor Day weekend. This is where they will hand out certificates. If you can’t attend, they will be mailed.
New News:
- Washington County Fair: $60 for a booth
- Do we want one?
- Election year so booths will go fast
- Manning the booth could be difficult
- Yay or Nay?
- If yay, author’s will pay for it, not WordWeavers
- Officer Elections in September, if you are interested email Jennifer.
- John Darrouzet meet with us next meeting? Any objections?
- No objections, scheduled for August 18th
Jennifer: working on chocolate for two out in September, maybe a holiday one in December
Olive: my internet stalled i’m sorry!
Jackie: creating a website in the past couple months. Some stories for the anthologies, working on fantasy and blogs.
Natalie: goal to finish one children’s book per month
Denise: pulled out a novel and is motivated! Key word for school: flexible
Ann: editing. Re-reading a lot
Pepper: had a wipe out on computer and is having to restore/rewrite
Rick: Xhanga is out on audio, finished draft of novel
my internet stalled during personal updates so I missed some stuff!
- Poetry Anthology out by Sept. 15th
- Halloween can just be Spooky, doesn’t have to be “Halloween”
- Holiday doesn’t just have to be Christmas
- August 3rd- poetry critiques (Zoom mtg)
- Brandy has offered cover design skills for Anthologies for this year. She has some premade, might ask her for another one to choose from.
- Poets of Green Country is the approved title for poetry anthology
- Halloween spooky submissions due August 1st: 7000 words total (short story or poems)
- Holiday season submissions due October 1st: same rules
- SHARE SHARE SHARE - marketing is key! We are talented writers and we deserve the accolades.
- Concern over having “Bartlesville” on the front cover, for safety reasons, when “sharing”. Agreed to use only WordWeavers on anthologies
- Throwing around ideas for a website or other places that we can sell books. Jackie could make one, but concern over IF she ever left PR position could someone else do it?
- Agreed that Jackie should do a workshop over website builder!
Next Meeting: Tuesday, August 18th @ 6:30, probably ZOOM. Workshop with John Darrouzet: Writing Decisions