Wednesday, July 13, 2016

June 2016 Minutes

Members in Attendance: Pepper, Eloise, Cindy, Linda, Marilyn, Sallie, Ann
Guests: Glen Mason & Alan (didn't get his last name)

May meeting was at Cindy's house so no minutes to go over.

Introductions: Cindy asked everyone to introduce themselves, tell what they've been working on, and what they are currently reading. *I've only included our guest's introductions:
  • Glen Mason has been writing for 6 weeks, which started as a challenge with another co-worker
  • Alan loved English in H.S. (here in Bartlesville).  He took the business route with his schooling but always had writing in the back of his mind. He is published in financial and investment journals. He lives in Georgia but is in Bartlesville taking care of his parents.  He heard about our group when he went to an OLLI class.
Sallie went on the Hot Seat.  The copies we received by email had already been edited by herself and Ann so some of us just shared what we liked or what confused us. She would like to go on the Hot Seat again with her new revisions since there were several.

Brief explanation of the Anthology: it's a fundraiser, you choose the edits, title Seasons to Celebrate, a family read so no cussing, sex, etc.

Please send all affiliated news for OWFI to Abigail

There is a WordWeavers FB page for both members and the community, check it out.

New News:

Harlequin presentation on Sept 20th @ 6:30pm (side note-they take un-agented writers!)

Jennifer has released Heart of an Angel

Cindy made a motion to dedicate the Anthology to Diana and Charlotte. Pepper 2nd, all approved. We are shooting for a November publication date so your Final Edits are due NOW (please)

Pepper and Cindy's drafts are due July 12th

Ann asked if June Pritchard could have something in the Anthology. Jennifer (by way of msg?) said any paid member can submit but everything is due by August.

Question if possible to submit non-anthology writings to Jennifer for separate critiques during meetings? Could Denise do presentation on critique groups? About the value, learning from each other's mistakes and having accountability?

Ann asked if anyone knows about editing and how to get into it?

What programs are good for copy editing/composing?

Next meeting July 19th @ 6:30pm

8:00pm dismissed

*after the official meeting Glen Mason shared a couple of the pieces he has composed and they were outstanding. He has only been writing for 6 weeks!  Hope to see both him and Alan again in July.

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