Tuesday, July 17, 2012

WordWeavers July Meeting Minutes and News

Tuesday, July 17th, WordWeavers held their monthly meeting. Diana Purser, Heather Davis, Marilyn Boone, Denise Jarmola, Lisa Anne Nichols, June Pritchard, Sharlene Martin, Sybil Copeland, Sarah Gagan, and Jennifer McMurrain were all in attendance. We would like to send a very warm welcome to Sarah. We’re so glad you came.

The WordWeavers and Bartlesville Public Library are happy to announce that Sonia Gensler and Bill Wetterman will be our speakers at the first annual "Into the Book" festival. We are honored to have such talent come to our event.

If you are a local author (Pawhuska, Dewey, Nowata, etc) and would like to have a book signing table at our event, please contact us at Bville_WordWeavers@yahoo.com before August 3rd. We have a limited number of spots. Any spots leftover after August 3rd will be given to interested authors from around the area. We want this to spotlight local authors first, so please let us know ASAP.

You will be hearing a lot more about this, we have big publicity ideas and would like to thank Frank's Signs for their generous offer to donate all things sign related for the event. Go check them out on Washington Blvd. They're just before you reach Dewey across for the camper dealership. Look for the lions.

Our authors are constantly churning out great material, Rita Durrett has released two new books: Shades of Gray an anthology of short stories and a novella called Night of the Raven. And Linda Derek has released her children's picture books: Chip's Sharing Day and One Large Peanut Butter Sandwich To Go.

Way to go, ladies!!

The rest of the time was spent critiquing works for our upcoming seasons anthology. You're not going to want to miss this anthology, one minute you'll be snort laughing, the next you'll be wiping away tears. We have so many talented writers in our group.

If you are a paid member of WordWeavers it's not too late to be involved in the anthology. E-mail me at Bville_WordWeavers@yahoo.com for the details. The next short story deadline is August 13th.

Our next meeting will be August 21st at 6:30 pm at the Bartlesville Public Library, meeting room to be announced. This is an open meeting and we hope to see you there. If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me at Bville_WordWeavers@yahoo.com.

Happy Writing,


1 comment:

August 2022 meeting (hybrid)

 This month's meeting was held in the BPL meeting room as well as on Zoom. Members present: Jennifer, Glen, Marilyn, Rick, Sue, Natalie,...