Friday, November 16, 2012

November 2012 Meeting

WordWeavers monthly meeting was held Wednesday, November 14 @ 6:30 p.m. The regular meeting day of the third Tuesday of the month was changed due to scheduled meeting room conflicts with the library.

First time attendees and new members were recognized and introduction of members was made.  Group pictures were taken for the anthology and scrapbook. Discussion about secretary duties took place.  It was agreed the minutes taken by the secretary would be included under title of VP. Marilyn Boone, current Vice-President agreed to accept position and duties of Secretary as well.

There were new pointers given on the operation of social media tool Facebook.

President, Jennifer McMurrian reported on the meeting with FOL and we should be receiving clarification about the guidelines and rules for the FOL writing contest.

Treasurer, Diana Purser gave a report.  I t was moved, seconded and passed that $10 will be expended for tonight’s photo shoot. It was moved, seconded and passed, that shipping for initial order of anthology will be covered by WordWeavers.

The anthology was discussed at length, a sample cover was displayed, and chapter placement sheets were provided.  Publication will be Tuesday, November 20th 2012.

We had a very brief discussion of OWFI contest. We also discussed why members have not been receiving copies of newsmagazine.  We need to go to OWFI online and make choice to receive under our profile setting. 

Our December meeting will be at Denise Jarmola’s home Dec. 18th, 6 p.m. and we will each bring a party tray of dessert or “salty” snack.

We reviewed Aubrey Cordoba’s children’s book, T.H. and the Missing Blanket. The group gave a few suggestions and agreed it has the potential of being a very marketable work.

We have been invited to assist Katherine Boulenger's Better Me, Better You project to get the word out for a K-6 grade book collection for donations of books to local grade schools.  We agreed.

The next meeting receiving new members will be the third Tuesday of January 2012.  We will focus on upcoming Friends of the Library and OWFI writing competitions.

Keep on writing,

Barbara Shoff

Remember if you write a page a day, before the end of a year you will have enough pages for a book. Then you get to start polishing.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

August Meeting

At yesterday’s monthly meeting we met with Beth Degeer from Bartlesville Public Library to discuss plans and co-ordination of the upcoming Into the Book Festival.  Posters were provided to members for community wide placement.

Into the Book
A Festival for Readers and Writers
10 am to 4 pm
Saturday, September 15th
Bartlesville Public Library

Keynote speakers:

Sonia Gensler
Author of The Reverant
2012 Oklahoma Young Adult Book Winner

Bill Wetterman
Author of Room 1515
Mystery and Thriller writer

In addition to our keynote speakers, 13 local and 16 area writers will be giving readings,
signing autographs, discussing their work, and answering questions.

President Jennifer McMurrian advised members we are on the waiting list for booth space for the County Fair, September 6th.

Members critiqued stories for inclusion in the WordWeavers 2012 anthology which will be published in the late fall 2012.

Membership dues are $10 per year.

Regular meetings of Bartlesville WordWeavers are the third Tuesday each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Bartlesville Public Library.  Anyone interested in writing is invited to attend.
The next meeting is September 18, 2012

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

WordWeavers July Meeting Minutes and News

Tuesday, July 17th, WordWeavers held their monthly meeting. Diana Purser, Heather Davis, Marilyn Boone, Denise Jarmola, Lisa Anne Nichols, June Pritchard, Sharlene Martin, Sybil Copeland, Sarah Gagan, and Jennifer McMurrain were all in attendance. We would like to send a very warm welcome to Sarah. We’re so glad you came.

The WordWeavers and Bartlesville Public Library are happy to announce that Sonia Gensler and Bill Wetterman will be our speakers at the first annual "Into the Book" festival. We are honored to have such talent come to our event.

If you are a local author (Pawhuska, Dewey, Nowata, etc) and would like to have a book signing table at our event, please contact us at before August 3rd. We have a limited number of spots. Any spots leftover after August 3rd will be given to interested authors from around the area. We want this to spotlight local authors first, so please let us know ASAP.

You will be hearing a lot more about this, we have big publicity ideas and would like to thank Frank's Signs for their generous offer to donate all things sign related for the event. Go check them out on Washington Blvd. They're just before you reach Dewey across for the camper dealership. Look for the lions.

Our authors are constantly churning out great material, Rita Durrett has released two new books: Shades of Gray an anthology of short stories and a novella called Night of the Raven. And Linda Derek has released her children's picture books: Chip's Sharing Day and One Large Peanut Butter Sandwich To Go.

Way to go, ladies!!

The rest of the time was spent critiquing works for our upcoming seasons anthology. You're not going to want to miss this anthology, one minute you'll be snort laughing, the next you'll be wiping away tears. We have so many talented writers in our group.

If you are a paid member of WordWeavers it's not too late to be involved in the anthology. E-mail me at for the details. The next short story deadline is August 13th.

Our next meeting will be August 21st at 6:30 pm at the Bartlesville Public Library, meeting room to be announced. This is an open meeting and we hope to see you there. If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me at

Happy Writing,


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Tuesday, June 20, 2012 meeting of Bartlesville WordWeaver's was a busy one. We welcomed several visitors and new members on board.

Members discussed plans for the September 15, 2012 "Into the Book" Festival, a joint effort of the Bartlesville Public Library and WordWeavers.  It is geared to both readers and writers. The festival will celebrate the talent of many newly published authors in our area and provide a meet and greet for many of their fans. We reviewed a list of several published authors who have offered their names for consideration to speak.  The festival,which currently designed as a "come and go", is planned to begin at 10 a.m and run to 4 p.m with a lunch break. This will allow those with busy schedules to stop by during the day to, meet new area writers and get excited about Oklahoma's flourishing writing industry.  Of course, those who want to make a day of it are encouraged to do so.  There are several excellent restaurants within walking distance of the library.

WordWeaver members also reviewed and critiqued the first group of submissions for our anthology which will be published later this year and will be available as an e-book and print on demand.

If you are a thinking about becoming a writer, you already write and want help and support as you pursue your dream, or you just want to check us out, you are  invited to attend WordWeaver meetings which are held at the Bartlesville Public Library the third Tuesday every month.

Our next meeting is scheduled for July 17, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. We would love to see you there.    


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

April Meeting Minutes and News

Tuesday, April 17th, WordWeavers held their monthly meeting.  Diana Purser, Heather Davis, Tawnya York, Marilyn Boone, Denise Jarmola, Lisa Anne Nichols, Robert Peters and Jennifer McMurrain were all in attendance.  We would like to send a very warm welcome to Robert. We’re so glad you came.

A hearty congrats to the WordWeavers who won at the Friends of the Library Bartlesville Creative Writing Contest. Heather Davis won 2nd in Fiction, Denise Jarmola won 1st in Dramatic Skit, and Diana Purser won 1st in Children's Book and 2nd in Dramatic Skit. Well deserved all around.

During the first business hour we focused on the logistics for getting to Oklahoma City for the Oklahoma Writer's Federation, Inc. conference being held the first weekend in May. Everyone has turned in their promised item for the BasketWars basket, so we are good-to-go on that.

We also discussed the upcoming Writer's Fair. We have four authors to gather speaking information from and our tentative date is set for September 15, 2012. Will give you more information on that as it becomes available.

We spent some time discussing how to promote our work once it's out. Our group has a number of books for sale today. Murder Goes to Church by C.D. Jarmola (Denise) (, Calypso Princes, Keeping Secrets, and Smugglers in Paradise by Rita Durrett (, Grammar in a Nutshell and a number of mythology books by Diana Purser ( and Once Upon a Wish by Lisa Anne Nicholas (

We are pleased to announce Cathy Collar, Heather Davis, Rita Durrett, and Jennifer McMurrain have all been included in the Whispered Beginnings: A Clever Fiction Anthology which will be released May 1st. E-mail for instructions on how to pre-order your copy today! We ask that you buy a paperback directly from your favorite author. Our authors see no profit from the e-books or the paperbacks sold by the publisher. E-mail me and I will be happy to give you that person's contact information.

The rest of the meeting was spent discussing our current critiquing sessions and how to make them better and more efficient. Next month we will critique work from Rita.  The May meeting is open only to WordWeavers, we will be having our End of Contest Season PotLuck Party.

Our next open meeting will be June 15th at 6:30pm in Meeting Room A (upstairs, food and drinks welcome) at the Bartlesville Public Library. Happy Writing.

If you have any questions please contact Jennifer at

Sunday, March 18, 2012

March Meeting News and Minutes

On Thursday, March 15th, the WordWeavers had their monthly meeting. Diana Purser, Denise Jarmola, Heather Davis, Rita Durrett, Barbara Shoff, Marilyn Boone, Linda Derkez, Darla Tresner, Lisa Nichols, Tawnya York, Cathy Collar and Jennifer McMurrain were all present. Our warmest welcome to Linda, Darla and Lisa, the newest WordWeaver members.

We did a lot of talking about the OWFI conference, basically logistics. But we have agreed to enter a basket into BasketWars since it benefits the scholarship recipients. We also talked about the Writer's Fair and have decided to push it to fall. As much as we'd like to do it in May, we want it to be good and not feel like a rush job.

Heather and Jennifer practiced their Listen to Your Mother essays for their auditions on Saturday and I'm pleased to announce, Heather made it into the show. :o) Congrats Heather!

The rest of the meeting was spent critiquing Cathy's work. Our next meeting will be April 17th at the Bartlesville Public Library at 6:30 pm. We will be critiquing Rita's new manuscript. As always our meetings are open. We only have two requirements to join WordWeavers, you need to be at least 18 AND out of high school. If you have any questions please e-mail us at

Happy Writing.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

March Meeting

Our next meeting is this THURSDAY, March 15th at 6:30 pm at the Bartlesville Public Library in Meeting Room B (downstairs corner). It has been changed due to Spring Break and scheduling conflicts, from our normal time of the third Tuesday of the month. All meetings are OPEN unless stated otherwise. If you have any questions please e-mail me at . Hope to see you there!

Happy Writing!
Jennifer McMurrain

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

January Meeting Minutes and News

On Tuesday, January 17th, the WordWeavers had their monthly meeting. Diana Purser, Denise Jarmola, Heather Davis, Rita Durrett, Barbara Shoff, Sybil Copeland, Sharlene Martin, Marilyn Boone, Saralyn Miller and Jennifer McMurrain were all present. Our warmest welcome to Saralyn, the newest WordWeaver member.

During our business hour we made some changes that everyone needs to be aware of. We will now meet at 6:30 pm on the third Tuesday of every month, instead of 7:00 pm. When a member has a full length book ready for critique, we will critique the entire manuscript. Kind of like a book club. The WordWeavers are sponsoring the YA Novel category at this year’s OWFI contest. The magazine article about the WordWeavers in the Bartlesville Magazine should be coming out in the Spring edition (1st weekend of March).

We spent the rest of the time discussing the rules regarding the two contests, OWFI and the Friends of the Library Bartlesville Creative Writing Contest. Lots of grey area, but still helpful to talk it out with others, basically follow the directions given in the newsletter and handout.

Our next meeting will be February 21st at the Bartlesville Public Library at 6:30 pm in Meeting Room B (downstairs, no food or drinks). This will be an OPEN meeting; in fact all our meetings are open unless stated otherwise. We will be critiquing and I will get those works to members as soon as possible. Hope to see you there. Happy Writing.

Questions about WordWeavers? E-mail or find us on Facebook under WordWeavers Bartlesville.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

January Meeting

The January meeting is on the 17th at 7pm at the Bartlesville Public Library in meeting room A (upstairs, food and drink welcome). This is an open meeting, we will be going over OWFI and FOL contest rules, questions and entries.

Questions about WordWeavers? E-mail or find us on Facebook under WordWeavers Bartlesville.

August 2022 meeting (hybrid)

 This month's meeting was held in the BPL meeting room as well as on Zoom. Members present: Jennifer, Glen, Marilyn, Rick, Sue, Natalie,...