Wednesday, August 17, 2011

July Meeting Minutes and News

Tuesday, July 19, WordWeavers held their montly meeting. Rita Durrett, Denise Jarmola, Marilyn Boone, Veronica Toothman, Heather Davis and Jennifer McMurrain were all in attendance.

During the first business hour Rita discussed her recent journey into publishing her books as e-books and placing them on She has successfully uploaded “Keeping Secrets”. Please check it out today by going to and searching for Rita Durrett. Although it takes a lot of work, Rita proudly announced she had made enough money to buy a pizza. :o) Good for you Rita!

Denise Jarmola has volunteered to send our “Announcements and Acknowledgements” to the OWFI newsletter, so look for those in your upcoming edition. Most of our accomplishments for the year will be included since we haven’t submitted anything to them.

Jennifer McMurrain proudly showed off the newest member of WordWeavers. Annaley Michelle McMurrain was born July 8th and can’t wait to begin her new novel. ;o)

The rest of the meeting was spent critiquing and brainstorming.

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