Treasurer Report:
- Dues are due! $10 for WW and $20 for OWFI
- One anthology sold
- $22 from sale of Charlotte's Book at the County Fair was donated to WW
- Facebook personal profile was shut down.
- New page has been created but pics are still in limbo. Please send any WW pics you might have to Jennifer.
- Abigail and Jennifer are the admins of the new business page.
- Profile pic will now be generic instead of changing every day
- Book of the Day is on Group Business Page
- some changes for the betterment of the contest should appear on website soon
- may do away with minimum manuscript for category to make
- old categories are still up on website are likely to be the same if you want to get a head start on knowing what you're going to submit
- $35 one time fee to enter one or more categories
- submissions due Feb. 1
- for the OWFI Report, send submission to Abigail (by email)
- for "other news" and immediate posting submit to website
- Washington County Fair Booth:
- cost $60, paid by Jennifer. Moved that cost be reimbursed to Jennifer, approved.
- Tabled issue: charging tax at the fair. Will discuss next August
- Exciting News:
- Salty Seniors directed by Pepper to perform western comedy Fri 23rd (I may have that wrong, my notes also say a performance on Thursday, I apologize for the confusion)
- Margery is doing a session on Create Space Saturday from 9-12
- Marilyn: Becoming Rose is out! Congratulations!
- Book Bub ad went well for Cathy, lots learned.
- Jennifer: Summer's End will be out October 4th! Congratulations!
- Seasons to Celebrate Anthology:
- the final process: final edits go to copy editors, possible revisions then submitted to beta readers before publishing.
- this is the fundraiser for WW that supplies funds for OWFI scholarships, banquet tables, etc.
- Contracts for anthology submissions will be out soon.
- Cover is almost finished, artist wishes to remain anonymous.
- Election of officers:
- Eloise moved we nominate the slate presented, seconded by Rita, all approved.
- WordWeaver Officers
President - Jennifer McMurrain
Vice President - Cindy Molder
Treasurer - Sarah Lynne...
Secretary - Jayleen Stumpe Mayes
Public Relations - Abigail Singrey - We are looking for a horror, suspense, thriller guest speaker. Any ideas? We already tried Stephen King.
- There WILL be a Harlequin editor at OWFI if you're looking to pitch.
- Next Meeting October 18th: We will be doing a group photo this date! (someone photoshop me in please! haha)