Saturday, June 21, 2014

Bartlesville Wordweavers June 17, 2014 Meeting

The meeting was held at the Bartlesville Public Library at 6:30 p.m. President, Jennifer McMurrain led the meeting. 

There were two guests, Sidney and David. 

A treasurer's report was given by Diana Purser. 

A total of 3,008 anthologies are in the hands of readers. 

New Business: 
Into the Book has been cancelled for 2014 due to lack of support and interest. 

The new anthology will be released November 18, 2014. 

Submissions for July are now due on July 15. Abigail, Twana, Marge, Cathy, and Sidney please email to Jennifer McMurrain. 

* New date for July Meeting, July 22, 6:30 p.m. at the Bartlesville Public Library. It is an open meeting. help spread the word of the new date. 

Keep writing, Cindy Molder, Secretary 

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Bartlesville Wordweavers Celebrate at Luigis

Bartlesville Wordweavers at OWFI 2014 Awards Banquet 

The May 20, 2014 meeting was held at Luigis in Bartlesville. Jennifer McMurrian presided. It was a members only time of celebration.

A brief treasurers report was given by Diana Purser.

Winners from the 2014 Oklahoma Writer's Federation and Bartlesville Friends of the Library were announced.

May critiques will be emailed to the writers for edits and corrections, send to Jennifer McMurrain before the June meeting. June submissions are due to Jennifer on or before June 10.

The next meeting is open to prospective members. It will held June 17, 6:30 p.m. at the Bartlesville Public Library.

Write, write, write.

OWFI is less than a year away and new contests and opportunities are posted on the website all the time.

Posted by Cindy Molder  

August 2022 meeting (hybrid)

 This month's meeting was held in the BPL meeting room as well as on Zoom. Members present: Jennifer, Glen, Marilyn, Rick, Sue, Natalie,...