Sunday, February 23, 2014

Minutes from February 18 Meeting

Barb Shoff presided.

The writing opportunity for novelists was announced. It is the Kindle Competition. Go to for details. 

The treasurer reported that a total of 385 copies of the 2012 Anthology have been sold. During the treasurer's report, it was decided that Bartlesville WordWeavers would sponsor another category at the OWFI Conference in honor of Hillary Welch. 

Bartlesville WordWeavers also voted to give a 175.00 OWFI scholarship to one of the members. There was a drawing and Marjorie Warder will be the 2014 Scholarship recipient. 

C.D. Jarmola, President of OWFI, gave a report about the May 2014 conference. A few of the highlights were: 49 different break out sessions, 21 different speakers, 4 agents, OK Poet Laureate, 218 people entered the writing categories, and registration fees are due March 15.

Critiques were given for Barbara F, Mary K, Pepper H, and Cindy M. Rita D's critiques were given to Barb.

March critique submissions are due March 11.

The next meeting is March 18, 2014.

August 2022 meeting (hybrid)

 This month's meeting was held in the BPL meeting room as well as on Zoom. Members present: Jennifer, Glen, Marilyn, Rick, Sue, Natalie,...