Friday, October 18, 2013

Minutes from the October 15, 2013 Meeting

Minutes from the October 15 Meeting

Barb Shoff presided over the meeting in Jennifer McMurrain's absence.

Guests or returning WordWeavers were introduced. Marilyn Blumer, Jerry Bylander, Rod MacIlvaine, and Darla Tresner.

WordWeaver and OWFI dues were collected.

Diana Purser gave the financial report. Current account balance, $880.00

October critiques for the anthology were given orally for those who were present.

Writing opportunities and resources have been posted to the WordWeaver's Facebook page.

Writers of Children's or Middle Grade books are invited to a meeting on October 21 at 7:00 PM at Diana Purser's home, 2925 Cambridge Court (Colonial Subdivision). Contact her to RSVP.

Barb Shoff presented information about how to increase your visibility on social media. Items discussed were:, goodreads, shewrites, hootsuite, google+

The next meeting is scheduled for November 12, 2013, 6:30 PM.

Keep Writing,

Cindy M. Molder

August 2022 meeting (hybrid)

 This month's meeting was held in the BPL meeting room as well as on Zoom. Members present: Jennifer, Glen, Marilyn, Rick, Sue, Natalie,...