Friday, November 16, 2012

November 2012 Meeting

WordWeavers monthly meeting was held Wednesday, November 14 @ 6:30 p.m. The regular meeting day of the third Tuesday of the month was changed due to scheduled meeting room conflicts with the library.

First time attendees and new members were recognized and introduction of members was made.  Group pictures were taken for the anthology and scrapbook. Discussion about secretary duties took place.  It was agreed the minutes taken by the secretary would be included under title of VP. Marilyn Boone, current Vice-President agreed to accept position and duties of Secretary as well.

There were new pointers given on the operation of social media tool Facebook.

President, Jennifer McMurrian reported on the meeting with FOL and we should be receiving clarification about the guidelines and rules for the FOL writing contest.

Treasurer, Diana Purser gave a report.  I t was moved, seconded and passed that $10 will be expended for tonight’s photo shoot. It was moved, seconded and passed, that shipping for initial order of anthology will be covered by WordWeavers.

The anthology was discussed at length, a sample cover was displayed, and chapter placement sheets were provided.  Publication will be Tuesday, November 20th 2012.

We had a very brief discussion of OWFI contest. We also discussed why members have not been receiving copies of newsmagazine.  We need to go to OWFI online and make choice to receive under our profile setting. 

Our December meeting will be at Denise Jarmola’s home Dec. 18th, 6 p.m. and we will each bring a party tray of dessert or “salty” snack.

We reviewed Aubrey Cordoba’s children’s book, T.H. and the Missing Blanket. The group gave a few suggestions and agreed it has the potential of being a very marketable work.

We have been invited to assist Katherine Boulenger's Better Me, Better You project to get the word out for a K-6 grade book collection for donations of books to local grade schools.  We agreed.

The next meeting receiving new members will be the third Tuesday of January 2012.  We will focus on upcoming Friends of the Library and OWFI writing competitions.

Keep on writing,

Barbara Shoff

Remember if you write a page a day, before the end of a year you will have enough pages for a book. Then you get to start polishing.

August 2022 meeting (hybrid)

 This month's meeting was held in the BPL meeting room as well as on Zoom. Members present: Jennifer, Glen, Marilyn, Rick, Sue, Natalie,...