Tuesday, July 21, 2020

July 2020 Meeting (Virtual)

Present: Jackie, Jennifer, Marilyn, Debbie, Natalie, Jayleen, Denise, Ann, Olive, Pepper


Vice President:

Treasurer: Roughly $535 in account, nothing in or out but one anthology sold (Red Roses in Green Country) on July 19th


PR: need more links to published works, excerpts, bios, social media for book of the week sharing on our FB page. Send email to Jackie jslarmore32112@gmail.com . Cover art will be needed for the anthology.

Old News:  OWFI banquet at WritersCon Labor Day weekend. This is where they will hand out certificates. If you can’t attend, they will be mailed.

New News:
  • Washington County Fair: $60 for a booth
    • Do we want one?
    • Election year so booths will go fast
    • Manning the booth could be difficult
    • Yay or Nay?
    • If yay, author’s will pay for it, not WordWeavers
  • Officer Elections in September, if you are interested email Jennifer.
  • John Darrouzet meet with us next meeting? Any objections?
    • No objections, scheduled for August 18th

Jennifer: working on chocolate for two out in September, maybe a holiday one in December
Olive: my internet stalled i’m sorry!
Jackie: creating a website in the past couple months. Some stories for the anthologies, working on fantasy and blogs. 
Natalie: goal to finish one children’s book per month
Denise: pulled out a novel and is motivated! Key word for school: flexible
Ann: editing. Re-reading a lot
Pepper: had a wipe out on computer and is having to restore/rewrite 
Rick: Xhanga is out on audio, finished draft of novel
my internet stalled during personal updates so I missed some stuff!


  • Poetry Anthology out by Sept. 15th
  • Halloween can just be Spooky, doesn’t have to be “Halloween”
  • Holiday doesn’t just have to be Christmas

  • August 3rd-  poetry critiques (Zoom mtg)
  • Brandy has offered cover design skills for Anthologies for this year. She has some premade, might ask her for another one to choose from. 
  • Poets of Green Country is the approved title for poetry anthology
  • Halloween spooky submissions due August 1st: 7000 words total (short story or poems)
  • Holiday season submissions due October 1st: same rules
  • SHARE SHARE SHARE - marketing is key! We are talented writers and we deserve the accolades. 
  • Concern over having “Bartlesville” on the front cover, for safety reasons, when “sharing”. Agreed to use only WordWeavers on anthologies
  • Throwing around ideas for a website or other places that we can sell books. Jackie could make one, but concern over IF she ever left PR position could someone else do it?
  • Agreed that Jackie should do a workshop over website builder!

Next Meeting: Tuesday, August 18th @ 6:30, probably ZOOM. Workshop with John Darrouzet: Writing Decisions

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

April 2020: VIRTUAL MTG

Present: Jennifer, Debbie, Jackie, Marilyn, Sue, Jayleen, Pepper, Natalie, Rick

Secretary: no report

Treasurer: $540.55, has not changed in last month. Last e-book sold in February (sold 9 Red Roses in Green Country, profit of .32 per book!)  Jennifer owes some money for books for a cancelled book signing.

PR: propose changing the book of the day on FB to book of the week to include author information. Send jpeg and links to Amazon to Jackie so she can update list.

New News:
Pepper more on editing mode right now.
Rick working on book, 17,000 words so far!
Jackie working on 3rd book and proofreading jobs.
Natalie working on equations for illustrations for her children's book.
Marilyn working on edits for Christmas book.
Debbie worried about kids, time management issues, weird production times.
Jayleen working on school/teacher/home balance. Hard to write.
Sue staying busy but not getting much done, working on kid's stories.
Jennifer had one 4,000 word day, inspiration in spurts.

resource: Melissa Storm: "The book marketing group" on FB, free video (check WW FB page for links)

Anthology: poetry is the next one, set to come out in August. We skipped "locally set" for now.  Poems due on June 1st...only SIX weeks away.
Halloween due Aug 1st
Holiday due on Oct 1st

OWFI: Conference was cancelled. Working on date/time/platform for award ceremony.
Ann won scholarship for this year. It was voted she will retain the scholarship for next year. If she chooses to pass, we will redraw for the scholarship. We may even have enough for two scholarships next year!!!

It is important to stay connected! We can email, text, messenger, video, whatever anyone needs. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2020


Present: Marilyn, Pepper, Rick, Joann, Nancy, Darla, Olive, Glenn, Ann, Sue, Jackie, Sally, Natalie

Treasurer report: no $ in no $ out $540.55  Sold 6 of the anthology!

PR report: press release to newspaper and radio for anthology.
Fundraiser ideas - book drive & rummage sale. possible space The Gathering Place
(*note - The Gathering Place, once a month has a woman's night with vendors)
jslarmore32112@gmail.com for links to your book for book of the day!

Glenn: Toast Masters District Speech contest April 11th

Ann: Bville Magazine called and asked her to do a feature on Yocham, getting paid!!

Jackie: interview on The Nerd Daily

New News:
WriterCon by Write Well, Sell Well conference over labor day in OKC  https://writercon.org/

Who's interested in OWFI?  Ann, Marilyn, Darla

Chicken Soup: Go to website and click submit story
Age is Just a Number - May 31st
Christmas - April 30th
Listen to your Dreams - Feb 28th
Stories of Divine Intervention Aug 30th
Stories about self care and me time - Sept 30th

Natalie: interested in 12x12 challenge, draft 12 children's books in 12 months!

If you want anything critiqued, send it to Jennifer ahead of time and we can fit it in to our meeting schedule.

OWFI Scholarship: Ann Cleary, alternate: Darla Tresner

Leading Basket idea: fairy tales

Next Meeting March 17th 6:30 John Darrouzet will be guest speaker on screen writing

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

January 2020

Present: Jennifer, Sue, Marilyn, Jackie, Eloise, Pepper, Rick, Jayleen, Natalie 
*NEW Rhonda Stiles-Cole

Treasurer:  no anthology sales, balance $540.55
PR: a little behind on PR, looking into a twitter account,

New News:

Jennifer: Joy at Quail Crossings coming in Feb/Mar
Sue: working on 3 different stories
Marilyn: almost finished with a Christmas Book, getting stuff ready for writing contests
Jackie: getting back into writing to finish trilogy
Eloise: took some time off but writing again, pulling old stories to make "new"
Pepper: finished synopsis for a fantasy novel that was originally a short story, running an OLLI class again starting 13th (6 weeks, Artificial Intelligence)
Rick: originally wrote as a hobby, retired and now it's a full time job! Pepper is a mean editor!
Jayleen: currently writing poetry, probably because that's what I'm teaching right now
Natalie: has 5-6 illustrations left to finish book!
Rhonda: *new* made a resolution so that's why she's here. writes articles, poetry, adult fiction, at home mom, taking care of combat disabled husband, scared of the writing/publishing process


Contest Deadline OWFI and FOL February 1st


  • Scholarship from WordWeavers? Would be $175 for a full scholarship. Rick moves to award a scholarship and not do a category sponsorship. Pepper second, all approved. We will draw for scholarship next meeting.
  • Jackie: since we are non-profit can we get sponsorship for the scholarship? Look into it for next year.
  • May 1-2 at Embassy Suites
  • We have a table because we won the basket wars last year by $2. 
  • Basket Wars: Bridging the Gap is contest theme, be thinking about a theme for basket!

Anthology (Romance)

  • Glenn and Ann have been doing edits. Take corrections into careful consideration but make sure you keep your voice. 
  • Final edits, bios, pic, contracts due Feb 5th. (hard deadline)
  • To be released February 11th!

Next: Locally Set due Friday!
Okay wait, let's table the locally set and move on to poems.

  • Poem submissions due June 1st
  • Do we want to continue to take Brandy up on Poetry book cover. It's FREE so YEAH.
Next meeting Feb 18th 6:30pm upstairs. 

August 2022 meeting (hybrid)

 This month's meeting was held in the BPL meeting room as well as on Zoom. Members present: Jennifer, Glen, Marilyn, Rick, Sue, Natalie,...